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Showing 20 results out of 10000

US retailers urge rejection of China tariffs

US retailers have urged the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) to reject additional tariffs on US$200bn of Chinese goods, claiming the enforcement would not make China change its unfair trade practices but would instead hurt American consumers.

New US-Mexico deal could replace NAFTA

The US has reached a preliminary agreement regarding a new trade accord with Mexico that could replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), including stronger textile provisions than the original trade pact, and are designed to incentivise greater US and Mexican production in textiles and apparel trade.

Asos fabric waste helping young women in Kenya

UK online fashion retailer Asos is continuing its sustainability and ethical work with a new initiative that uses off-cuts from its fabric to produce sanitary towels for young women and girls in Kenya.

Can Myanmar's garment sector reach its full potential?

After a United Nations (UN) report this week branded Myanmar’s refugee problem one of the world’s worst humanitarian and human rights crises, David Birnbaum looks at the knock-on impact for the country's garment export sector. He argues that while Myanmar is one of the few alternatives to China for high value-added, complex and difficult-to-make products, its poor reputation may prevent it from reaching its full potential.

What's in store at the IAF World Fashion Convention?

The agenda for the 34th IAF World Fashion Convention has been confirmed, with 21 speakers having already committed to the event and panel discussions ranging from how blockchain will enable transparency to how better buyer-supplier collaboration is achieved.

Garment unions debate Cambodia and Myanmar wages

Workshops held in Cambodia and Myanmar have seen garment union members meet in a bid to develop and agree on joint demands and strategy for national sectoral bargaining in the apparel and footwear sector.