Collaborate with your partners and get full visibility of your supply chain performance. Modernize your quality programs for higher operational efficiency and better resource allocation.

  • Pre-Production Meetings
  • Inspection Bookings and Scheduling
  • During Production Inspections
  • Final Inspections
  • Suppliers’ Self Inspections
  • Lab Testing Integration
  • Corrective and Preventative Action Plans
  • Advanced Analytics

Benefits of Inspectorio Sight

  • Activate Self-Inspections

Create a culture of accountability by empowering your partners to execute self-inspections while guaranteeing the integrity of your quality processes and standards. Real-time data helps improve communication with stakeholders and gives the ability to be preemptive instead of reactive.

  • Automate Quality Operations

Leverage powerful automation rules to eliminate low-value, manual interventions, and free up resources to invest in activities that provide a greater return on effort and investment.

  • Predict and Mitigate Risks

Leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze large datasets and understand risk. Make proactive, risk-based interventions to ensure your limited resources are being directed toward mitigating high-risk areas across your factory partners. Preventing risks from happening in the first place.

  • Digitize Data Collection and Reporting

A single source of truth enables data integrity and improved collaboration. Getting full visibility of the overall performance of your production network allows you to develop an improvement plan based on objective data.

  • Make Data-Driven Sourcing Decisions

Choosing a sourcing partner is a critical and strategic decision. Clear, objective data on supplier and factory performance helps you select the best qualified suppliers and run operations based on a mutual understanding of performance expectations.

  • Empower Field Teams

Gather all your inspection data and trigger activities end-to-end directly from our mobile application on iOS or Android. You can now generate inspection reports in seconds with one app for all your activities.

To read more, please click here to download this free ebook.