Here are the most read stories on Just Style this week:
Cotton prices to surge on Pakistan flooding, experts warn
As the world’s fifth largest cotton producer, countries across the globe will likely feel the repercussions of the recent flooding devastation in Pakistan which will strangulate cotton supply in weeks to come and see prices soar.
Six months on: Impact of the Ukraine-Russia war on Europe’s apparel market
Just Style explores the fallout of the Ukraine/Russia war on the European apparel market as the crisis rages on.
Strategic development or meeting the needs of the future garment industry?
In the 27 years from 1992 to year to date July 2022, garment retail market share fell from 5.9% of total retail sales to 4.4%: A decline of 26%.
H&M Group, WWF team on AI solution to tackle Cambodia deforestation
H&M Group has partnered with the World Wildlife Federation (WWF) on an AI pilot solution aimed at reducing pressure on natural forests in Cambodia.
Donnelly to step down as PVH Americas and Calvin Klein boss
PVH Corp has announced that Trish Donnelly, CEO of PVH Americas & Calvin Klein Global, will be leaving PVH to pursue other opportunities.