Here are the week’s most highly trending stories on Just Style:
New US inland port to ease supply chain congestion
The US is to benefit from an inland port designed to relieve supply chain pressure at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.
Cambodia garment wage talks get underway
Talks have begun to discuss an increase in the minimum wage for garment workers in Cambodia.
Interview: Arise IIP’s vision for West Africa textile and apparel sourcing
Industrial park developer and operator Arise IIP is pumping more than US$600m into two new apparel and textile manufacturing parks in West Africa in a move aimed at offering vertical integration solutions to all investors.
China to clampdown on forced labour with new ILO commitments
China is expected to make good on commitments to suppress forced or compulsory labour in all its forms one year from now, after lodging documents with the International Labour Organization (ILO) confirming its ratification on forced labour.
Zalando outlets to offer pre-owned apparel
German fashion e-tailer Zalando says its outlet stores will expand their range to include pre-owned fashion to give garments a second life.